الخميس، 28 مايو 2015

How to completely disable Web Search in Windows 10

Microsoft has integrated web search from Windows 8.1, in addition to the native search available in previous Windowseditions. Thus when you search for anything on your Windows computer, if you’re connected to web, web search results are displayed automatically. This is also continued with Windows 10, and here Cortana – the voice assistant leads the flag.

Now, some users may be okay with fact that web results are displaying additionally even when they don’t looked forward for them. However, some other community of users may not be convinced with this fact. The reason behind this could be unnecessary data consumption by your system in order to fetch web search results. Thus, if you also belongs to latter community of users, you may want to disable web search results completely from being displayed in Windows 10.
Here is what you need to do:

Disable Web Search in Windows 10

1. In Windows 8.1 or later; Pro & Enterprise Editions, press Windows Key + R combination, type put gpedit.msc in Rundialog box and hit Enter to open the Local Group Policy Editor.
2. In the left pane of Local Group Policy Editor window, navigate here:
Computer Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Windows Components -> Search
3. Moving on, in the right of above shown window and scroll down to look for Settings named Do not allow web searchand Don’t search the web or display web results in Search. Both of these are Not Configured by default. Double click on any one of them:
4. Finally in the above shown window, select Enabled and click Apply followed by OK. Enable the other Setting in similar way. Close Local Group Policy Editor now. Reboot the machine to make changes effective. After restarting the machine, you’ll find that web search results are no longer displayed. In case, if you later want to get web search results, simply restore both policies to Not Configured status.

Glary Disk Cleaner: Free disk cleaning tool for Windows

There are already so many free junk file cleaners available for Windows – the most popular of them being CCleaner. So why then are we again covering another one? Because life is all about having options, and Windows ecosystem offers so many freeware options that one has to check them out and see what suits you the best.

Glary Disk Cleaner comes to from the well-known Glarysoft house. It offers a handy way to clean up your hard disk. It can scan your PC thoroughly and locate the temporary, unused and unwanted files cluttered on your hard disk and delete them in no time. Although Windows has its built-in disk cleanup utility, but sometimes you may feel the need to use a third party app.

Glary Disk Cleaner

Glary Disk Cleaner is a simple tool which takes no time to download and install 0n your PC. The program has a very user-friendly interface and even a novice computer user can use it without any hurdles. You can choose to run the program right after its quick installation. It simply scans the hard disk of your computer, locates the temporary files and removes them.
Glary Disk Cleaner starts scanning your PC immediately after you launch the program and gives you a quick list of files stored on your PC. You can either select the files and remove them manually or choose to delete them all in one go.
The Disk Cleaner checks the Windows, your web browsers as well as the applications installed on your PC and locates all the temporary and unused files including temporary files, cache, system log files, error report files, invalid and broken shortcuts, browsers cache and much more.
The list of files also display the path, size and format of files located giving you and option to check the file before you delete it. You can view the file in its folder, check its Properties and exclude from the removal list if required.
I don’t know if it was the size of my hard drive or the lesser number of temporary files stored on my PC, but the program actually took just a few seconds to scan my PC. Usually when a PC is under scanning, the CPU usage increases which tends to slow down the PC for the time being. But there is nothing to worry about when using this freeware.
The program is very simple and effective and I didn’t find any noteworthy issue in the program. It scanned the PC quickly and also deleted the files in no time. In short, it did is job! It is a pretty decent piece of software from the makers of  Glary Utilities and can help you keep your system clean.
You can download it here.

Sputnik: Best free desktop RSS Feed Reader for Windows

Nowadays, many people prefer to read their daily news on tablets and computers via different RSS feed readers, as they can consolidate all the news in one place. You can certainly start using Feedly, Flipboard, etc. those work great as a feed reader. However, if your days start with a Windows PC and ends with the same, here is a free desktop RSS Reader, that assists users to read their most favorite blogs right from the desktop. Sputnik is probably the finest desktop client to read RSS feed. It is free and portable!

Sputnik – Free Desktop RSS Feed Reader

Sputnik comes with nearly all the popular features of a typical RSS reader like Feedly. It is even possible to import feeds to this client in a click. To begin using this software, you will need either the website address or its Feed URL or exported feed file, which you can get from any third party RSS reader.
If you have this URL or file, you are ready to start using it. After opening Sputnik, unzip it and double-click on the file to open up. Right after opening it, you will see the following screen:

You can add your favorite sites manually or you can import feeds from any exported file. To add a site, click on Add feedbutton and enter your site URL or feed URL. If you want to import feed from file, just click on the Import feed from file.
If you add site, it will be added immediately. However, if you import file, it will take a couple of seconds to be added. After being added, your reader will look like this:
Sputnik  article
In the left hand side, you will get all the added sites and in the right hand side, you will get the latest articles. You can maximize your window and start reading. The next article will be placed at the end of one article. You can also click on any particular site to read particular news only. If you want to read the same news in your browser, click on the article title.
To add more sites, just click on Add feed button.
Add feed to sputnik
After that, write down the desired site URL or RSS feed URL. You can also select a category to categorize your sites.
enter site url sputnik
Finally, hit the Done button. Your site will be added instantly.

Sputnik settings and keyboard shortcuts

You can change the number of articles that you would like to display on a single page. You can also delete articles which are older than particular time.
This desktop client also has some useful keyboard shortcuts, which can help you navigate through numerous sites:
  • Right Click: Mark current article as read and jump to next article.
  • Space bar: Same as right click.
  • Up/Down Arrow: Scroll up and down
  • Left/Right Arrow: Next and previous article
  • Ctrl + Left/Right Arrow: Jump to next or previous page
  • Enter: Mark a category as read.
Sputnik can help you to get rid of a cluttered RSS feed reader. You can easily read various websites right from desktop. You can download it from here. The development of this freeware has however been discontinued now.

Easy Context Menu freeware lets you add Program or Icon to Right Click Menu

The Right-Click Context Menu in Windows, offers useful options. Although, Windows does not let you add or remove anything from context menu via any UI, you can use a third-party software like Easy Context Menu to customize it. We already have freeware like the Right Click Extender or Context Menu Editor, that let you add or remove context menu items. Today let us have a look at this free tool.

Easy Context Menu for Windows

Easy Context Menu (Earlier Bluelife Context Menu) is a context menu editor that helps users to add any installed application to the context menu or any image or icon to the context menu item.
The download package consists of 2 files. If you are using 32-bit Windows, click on EcMenu.exe and if you have 64-bit Windows, click on EcMenu_x64.exe. You don’t have to install it since this is a portable software.

All the preset items that you can add, are categorized in various sections such as Tools, System Tools, Turn Off Options etc. A very useful feature of this tool is that you can add different items to the context menu for different locations. For instance, you can add a set of tools to the desktop context menu and a different set of apps to the This PC context menu. Similarly, you can also add or remove options from the Folder Context Menu, File Context Menu, EXE File Context Menu and so on.
Add preset program, tool and option to Context Menu
To add any preset app, tool or power option to the Context Menu, just make a tick in corresponding box and apply your changes. The very first button with the mouse icon refers to Apply Changes.
Easy Context Menu 2
Context Menu Cleaner
The fourth button with mouse icon refers to Context Menu Cleaner.
Easy Context Menu 4
Context Menu Cleaner will let you remove any added program from the right-click menu.
To remove an item, just remove the tick-mark from the corresponding box.
Easy Context Menu List Editor
By default, Easy Context Menu will allow you to add only those programs, tools and options, what are already included in the list. However, you can also add your own favorite program to the context menu, by using the List Editor. You can add image, audio or any other item to the context menu.
Easy Context Menu 3
To do so, click on List Editor button, which is the third button from the left. Next, click on Add New and selectApplication Files(*.*) from the drop-down menu. Next select the desired program file. It is also possible to rename the file, change its location in context menu, let Windows open the file with administrator privilege and more. One all is done, click on Save Changes. Your item will be added to the context menu.
Delete all programs from Context Menu
Suppose, you do not want to use the selected options in the context menu and wish to delete whatever you have added. At such times, just click on Uninstall All – the second button with the mouse icon.
You can read more about Easy Context Menu and download it from its home page.

FireFTP: Free FTP / SFTP Client for Firefox browser

FireFTP is a popular, free, secure, cross-platform FTP/SFTP addon available for Mozilla Firefox browser, which provides an easy and intuitive way to access FTP or SFTP servers. It is one of the top extensions available for Mozilla Firefox with over 616,601 users downloading it. Today we are reviewing FireFTP version 2.0.23 and will show you how to use FireFTP in Firefox.

FireFTP for Firefox

You can manually surf the available add-ons available in the firefox browser and install them or visit this link using your Firefox browser and then click on “Add to Firefox” to add it.

Clicking on the “Add to Firefox” button will open up a prompt, where it asks if you want toe install the addon. Click on “Install“.
When you are done, it prompts you to restart the browser. Restart the browser and you are now ready to use it.
Features of FireFTP
  • FireFTP is absolutely free with cross-platform support. Works on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.
  • It is Secure as it has support for SSL/TLS/SFTP providing encryption to combat fraud.
  • Synchronization support is great as it keeps directories in sync while navigating.
  • Directory Comparison feature compares directory content including sub-directories.
  • It is Available in more than 20 languages and supports UTF8 character encoding.
  • It automatically reconnects and resumes file transfers in the case of network interruption.
  • Supports Search/Filtering,Export/Import accounts,Remote Editing,File Hashing: Generate hashes of files (MD5, various SHA’s),Drag & Drop.
  • It has built-in integrity checks of transfers (XMD5, XSHA1)
  • File Compression using Mode Z,timestamp Synchronization, Proxy and FXP support,Advanced properties like CHMOD, recursive CHMOD, thumbnails etc, IPv6 support are the other important features.

How to use FireFTP in Firefox

Launching FireFTP is easy, as it is integrated directly into the browser. Head over to browser menu and find the Developeroption. Expand the Developer option to find the option as shown below in the picture.
Click on the FireFTP option to launch the window in the browser. You can also launch it by navigating to this link using address bar: chrome://fireftp/content/fireftp.xul
That should open up the FireFTP interface with local file explorer. You may click on the images to see the larger versions.
In order to login to your server using FireFTP, Click on the “Create account” option which opens up a new dialogue asking for the credentials for your server. Fill in the required details like Hostname, port number, username, password etc and proceed. You can also save the details with a desired profile name for future use.
On successful login you should be able to view your server files in the right hand side of the FireFTP window.
It is so simple! If you are looking for a light-weight free FTP client, you can start using FireFTP. We hope this tutorial helped you in getting started with this FTP client.

الخميس، 7 مايو 2015

5 Powerful and Most Useful Excel Features you need to know

Microsoft Excel is the most useful and easy tool for business analysts. It has large number of useful formulas, features and bundles of interactive charts. But, most of us are not known of all of them and there are some more features which are powerful and easy to use to make our work simpler. You might not have noticed some of the useful Excel 2013 features like Sparklines, Slicers, Conditional Formatting and other formulas which add value to your work. In this article, I will take you through them and will give you an idea on what are those and how to use them.

Most Useful Excel Features

Among many Excel features, there are some hidden features which are easy to use and you many not know all of them. Without any further delay, we will look at 5 such Excel features.


Sparklines were first introduced in Excel 2010 and are used to represent visualizations for the trend across the data in a row. It fits in a single Excel cell and saves the space on the worksheet. This is a cool feature and is very easy to use. Calculating the trend for row data and placing the visualization in the single excel is really a great feature to use.

In order to create your own Sparklines, select the range of data. Click insert on the ribbon and select the type ofSparklines (Line, Column or Win/Loss). Next, enter the range of the target where you want to show the Sparklines. For more information on how to create Sparklines, visit Office Blogs.

Conditional Formatting

Conditional Formatting is a well known feature of Excel. It is used to visually present the data based on the conditions met. It is also useful to create heat maps. This would be helpful to find the interesting patterns by exploring the data effectively.
Most Useful Excel Features
To create the heat map, select the data and head over to the ribbon. Under Home, click Conditional Formatting and then click Color Scales. Now, pick the color scale. You can even set the color scale by editing the formatting rule. For more information on Conditional Formatting, visit Office Support.

SMALL and LARGE Functions

We all know about MAX and MIN functions. They give you the maximum and minimum values of the selected data respectively. But, in order to find the 1st, 2nd, 3rd or nth largest or smallest value of the selected range if data, we can make use of LARGE and SMALL functions respectively.
Small and Large Functions in Excel
In this example, in order to find the top two products for each month, we made use of MATCH and INDEX functions along with LARGE and SMALL functions. For more information, visit SMALL and LARGE functions.

Remove Duplicates

Do not blame me for mentioning this feature in this list. It is very important to get rid of redundant data from the available huge amount of data. It is one of the best ways for cleaning and organizing the data and so thought of having it in this list of powerful Excel features. Removing Duplicates feature was introduced from Excel 2007 and is helpful to remove duplicates which is the most important problem which we face.
Remove Duplicates in Excel
To remove duplicates, select the data and head over to the ribbon. Under Data, click the Remove Duplicates button and what you see the data without duplicates. For more information on how to Find and Remove Duplicates, visit Office.com.


Slicers act as visual filters. It helps you to visualize the subset of data as a connected chart or as a raw data. For example, if you want to show the trend of sales of various products, then you can create the interactive sales trend chart using Slicers. Based on the product you select, respective chart is shown. Slicers were first introduced in Excel 2010 and enhanced a lot in Excel 2013.
Slicers in Excel
In Excel 2013, if you want to add Slicer to your charts, select the data range and click on insert > Slicer. Now, select the part of the data you want to use as a filter. In the image above, Product column is used as a filter. How here for more information on how to use Slicers.
For more details on these features and to download the example workbook, visit Office Blogs

Screen To GIF: Free software to create animated GIF Image within seconds

GIF image is highly sought file format amongst tech bloggers, who often write on how-to guides, as well as meme makers. Hence today we will look at a free yet extremely helpful software named Screen To GIF that helps you produce high-quality animated GIF image within a few moments.

Create GIF image using Screen To GIF

ScreenToGIF is probably the simplest way to record your screen and turn them into a GIF image or motioned image. This particular tool includes a number of handy features and tools, that will assist you in editing the GIF image before finishing.
To start with, download portable ScreenToGIF on your Windows PC. This is a portable software as well. After downloading this portable GIF image creator software, just unzip the file and double-click on it to open. You will see a window as follows:

The very first thing that must be set is to change the aspect ratio or the window size depending on your requirement. The default size of  484×209 is comparatively small for most.
Once you have et the default image size, you can start recording your screen by clicking on the Record button. To stop the recording, simply click on Stop button. Right after recording the screen, you will get a window that looks something like the subsequent picture:
Screentogif window after recording
Now, you have a whole bunch of options to edit the image before finalizing. You can add the following to your image, after recording:
Create GIF image using Screen To GIF
  • Add text
  • Add quick caption
  • Add image frame or title frame
  • Edit frames
  • Change animation speed
  • Crop image
  • Use transitions
  • Add border around image
  • Export specific image frame (More information are written below)
  • Delete selected image frame (More information are written below)
  • Use filter: Blur, Sepia, Gray Style

Get a still image from GIF image

Apart from creating the GIF image, you can also export a still image from the recording. ScreenToGIF helps users to change the frame number that will be captured in each second. If you have set a huge number, you will get more frames or images. This is what “Export specific image frame” means.
ScreenToGIF Settings
ScreentoGif settings
Screen To GIF doesn’t come with a huge number of settings. Instead, it has fewer but very useful features.
  • Use custom GIF encoding or paint.NET encoding
  • Change loop – use custom loop
  • Show or hide mouse cursor
  • Show or hide mouse clicks
  • Use hotkeys to start and stop recording (F7 – Record/Pause & F8 – Stop)
  • Change aspect ratio
  • Change number of frames to be captured in a single second
Download Screen To GIF from here and start creating quality GIF images on your Windows PC.

How Old Do I Look website from Microsoft

Everyone wants to know – Do I look younger or older than I actually am? Well for all those who have this question, there is now a website that can guess you age and your gender from any photograph.

How Old Do I Look

Microsoft recently released a Face detection API. Based on this API, it took a couple of developers just a day to put this website together. This website allows users to upload their photograph. The API then tries to guess the age and gender of any faces recognized in that picture.
Face APIs are a part of Microsoft Project Oxford, which provides state-of-the-art algorithms to process face images, including gender, age, recognition, alignment and other application-level features.
The key components of this website are:
  1. Extracting the gender and age of the people in these pictures.
  2. Obtaining real-time insights on the data extracted above.
  3. Creating real-time dashboards to view the above results.
We also got real-time insights to learn more about how people were using this tool. For instance, we assumed that folks would not want to upload their own pictures but would prefer to select from pre-canned images such as what they found online. But we what we found out was that over half the pictures analyzed were of people who had uploaded their own images, said Microsoft.
The results were not bad too. The website put my age at 47, whereas I am a couple of years older than that.
Go visit how-old.net and see what it has to say about you. Let us know if it guessed correctly about you.

Uranium Backup Free review & download

There are plenty of free backup tools available. Even the default backup tool that comes with Windows 8.1 is good enough to let you take different backup sets of the data you want. You also get to choose between overwriting backup sets and incremental backup sets. However, most people prefer third-party backup tools as they offer more functionality. This review of Uranium Backup Free checks out it features and ease of use.

Uranium Backup Free review

The download and installation was easy. There are no third-party apps that are bundled into the installation, as of date, so you need not worry about it installing toolbars and other browser add-ons. It is just the Uranium backup program that is installed.
Once installed, you can access it from the System Tray by right-clicking on its icon or by clicking on the desktop icon. In both the cases, the first thing you have to do is to create backup sets and set destinations for the backup sets.
Too many restrictions
Unfortunately, the free version has plenty of restrictions. One that I would like to mention in particular is that it won’t support incremental backups. This means that every time you run the backup using Uranium, you will be creating a different backup set or you will be overwriting the previous backup depending upon the folders you chose.
Though the image above shows you plenty of destinations to back up, all except the first are available only in the paid versions. With the free version, you can only select a place on your network or on an external hard disk drive for backing up the data. You cannot even use the DVD burner with the free version. Now, that is way too much of a limiting factor, that may make people away from using Uranium. As it is, people nowadays prefer to back up their data to cloud instead of DVDs, etc. If that option is present but cannot be used in the Uranium Backup Free, people are sure to be frustrated.
In short, the free version of Uranium backup tool will serve only those users who like to create a full backup of their data and copy it to external hard disk drives. There is no point in backing up data to the same hard disk drive even if it is a different drive letter as the hard disk is the same and if it crashes, all the drives on it will be inaccessible.
The application is good only for users using external hard disk drives for backing up data. For others who would like to back up to cloud etc,  Microsoft, Amazon and Google are the answers (for free backups). If they want to go paid, IDrive, ADrive, Mozy etc are better as they offer backups directly to the clouds.
Using Uranium
Assuming that you are one of the group that prefers local hard disk backups to external storage on network or USB connected hard disk drives (or even on a desktop with two hard disk drives), you have to first create a data set that needs to be backed up. This, you can do by selecting Create Data Set option in the File menu. You will get a dialog box that will let you browse and select the backup folders and files using check boxes. Once you are done, selecting the files to be backed up, you have specify the destination folder.
To specify the destination folder, click on the first option under the lower section of the right side of the Uranium window. It says “Click here to add a destination folder for this backup“. You can see it in the image above.
Clicking on any other option will ask you if you wish to upgrade.
Anyway, once you are done with creating backup sets and setting destination for it, you can run the first backup manually by clicking on “Run selected backups” in the File menu. Some of the best things about Uranium are that it compresses the backup files and folders before copying them to backup destination and it offers encryption for the backed up files. But I did not see any option to set up scheduled backups or incremental backups. This means it overwrites the previous backup set whenever you run the backup set manually. The only method available to avoid overwriting is to select a different destination (folder) before you manually run the backup using the Uranium interface or the system tray icon.
Uranium Backup Free is a good choice if you back up your data locally to some other hard drive connected to your computer. The paid version has options to back up to cloud but the free one doesn’t.
Encryption is present, so you can be sure about secure backup. You can save configurations using a password in the Settings menu. Beyond that, it is simply a tool offering minimal features. If you wish to back up to cloud, either purchase the Pro version or use one of the tools mentioned above. You can download Uranium from their website.
There are some other good free Imaging, Backup and Recovery Software available on the Internet. Moreover, there are also some free online backup tools that you might want to consider if you wish to back up to cloud and if your backup needs are small. Besides this, you may also use Microsoft OneDrive or Google Drive for backing up, although they are more of sync nature. That is, if you delete a file or folder from the local disk, it will be deleted from the cloud storage too. An advantage is that instead of deleting them forever, the deleted items are moved to folders called Deleted Items or Trash and they stay there until you empty them manually or if they exceed the quota of Trash (in Google Drive). They can be used as backup in case you want the latest version of your backup sets on the cloud.

AnyDesk: Best Free TeamViewer Alternative

If you are working as a team, this is impossible that you haven’t heard about TeamViewer. If you are looking for aTeamViewer alternative, then this free software called AnyDesk may interest you. This fast remote desktop software has DeskRT, a new video codec at its core.

AnyDesk review

As AnyDesk is a free portable software. If you want to use it for a long time, you can consider installing this using its installer.
To get started, at first, download AnyDesk on both the PCs. Next double-click on the executable file to open it. You will get a window that looks like the following picture:

Teamviewer alternative

A unique code will be appear on your screen. You can find this type of code, only if the software is not installed. Otherwise, you will get the unique with the Computer name.
Now, just enter this unique code of one PC in another PC’s AnyDesk window – under Remote Desk tab and hit theConnect button.
That means, if you have two PCs called “A” & “B” and you want to access “A” from “B”, just copy the code from “A” and paste it on “B”.
After hitting the Connect button, you will get the Windows Firewall popup for this new connection. Just allow it to access AnyDesk.
Windows Firewall Windows
At the same time, you will get a confirmation pop-up on the second PC that you want to access from your primary PC.
Teamviewer alternative
You can hit the Accept button or consider checking few options. The options are as follows,
  • Allow to hear sound
  • Allow to take control
  • Allow to use clipboard
  • Allow to block keyboard and mouse
If you remove the tick mark from corresponding option, the feature will be unavailable. Otherwise, the main PC owner will be able to access everything.
Chat with Friends using AnyDesk
AnyDesk allows users to chat with the connected PC owner. Just click on Chat button from the primary PC and write down your message.
AnyDesk chat window
The message will appear on the second PC.
AnyDesk Chat Window on Second PC
AnyDesk also provides some other options after connecting. You will see the following options on your screen:
  • Change view mode (full screen, original, shrink, stretch)
  • Quality: best audio/video quality, balanced, optimized, according to connection speed/data speed
  • Show/hide remote cursor
  • Allow/prevent mouse and keyboard control
  • Take snapshot.
Considering all things, AnyDesk is really a useful tool. You can download AnyDesk from here. As of now, you can use AnyDesk to connect with only Windows PC’s.

الأربعاء، 22 أبريل 2015

PC Win Booster: Keep your Windows PC free of Junk Files

If you find that you are running out of disk space on your Windows PC, you need to run the built-in Disk Cleanup utility or some good free junk file cleaner. Today we will have a look at one more freeware called Soft4Boost PC Win Booster.

Hard disk is the storage device of a PC which holds all your important files and data. The Windows operating system and various other programs create the temporary files and many other junk files during installation and running. All these files get piled up on your hard disk, and hence the hard disk may run out of free space. Thus, it becomes imperative that we delete the junk temporary files regularly.

This tool will help remove junk files. Not hundreds, but thousands of files get piled in the hard disk of our computer system over time, which includes cached thumbnails, temporary files, cached files, setup files, log files and much more.
PC Win Booster
The main overview of this freeware is simple and displays everything. The software scans your PC and detects all the junk files stored in various folders. It lists all the unused, obsolete and harmful files cluttered in your PC.
Just click on ‘Start Scanning’, the program will scan your PC thoroughly and give you a detailed list of junk files.
It includes the following modules:
  1. Junk File remover
  2. Duplicate Files Finder
  3. Unwanted Toolbar remover
  4. Program Uninstaller.
The Duplicate Finder module of the program finds duplicate files, identical pictures, and duplicate documents if stored in your system. Unlike the other similar software, PC Win Booster compares the documents by their content, and not just the names. To use this function, select the search rule, click on the Duplicate Finder button, select the search directories and click on ‘Start Scanning’.
Moreover, this program also finds and removes toolbars that may be installed on your web browser and remove them easily – which the built-in Windows program remover may not be able to.
PC Win Booster has 11 different skins, so you can change it if you want. However, I didn’t find any of the skins beautiful enough to be changed.
You can download it from here. It brings along a program Soft4Boost Secure Eraser with it – however, it is harmless and can be easily removed using the Control Panel.

How to display seconds in Taskbar

The Taskbar Clock in Windows, displays the date and time. The day, month and the year are displayed – and the hour and minutes are seconds are displayed. In this post we will see how to display second in the Taskbar Clock.

Before we proceed, it is important to know, why Microsoft did not build this capability into the Windows operating system to begin with. Was the constant blinking of the colon too distractive?

Said Microsoft,
The blinking colon and the constantly-updating time were killing our benchmark numbers. On machines with only 4MB of memory (which was the minimum memory requirement for Windows 95), saving even 4K of memory had a perceptible impact on benchmarks. By blinking the clock every second, this prevented not only the code paths related to text rendering from ever being paged out, it also prevented the taskbar’s window procedure from being paged out, plus the memory for stacks and data, plus all the context structures related to the Explorer process. Add up all the memory that was being forced continuously present, and you had significantly more than 4K.
Now that we know why the Windows Taskbar Clock does not display seconds, let us move on.
We have already seen how to how to add day of week to taskbar clock,no let us see if we can add seconds to the Taskbar Clock time.
Display seconds in Taskbar Clock
There is no way to natively display seconds in the Taskbar Clock. If you wish to do so, you will have to use 3rd-party free tools like T-Clock Redux or TClockEx.
T-Clock Redux in an enhanced fork of Stoic Joker’s T-Clock 2010. Apart from letting you display the seconds too, it offers many other features. It works on Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 too. TClockEx is such free tool that can help you show seconds. This one also lets you tweak additional options in the Takbar Clock.

الثلاثاء، 14 أبريل 2015

How to change MAC Address in Windows 8.1

A MAC Address or Media Access Control Address is a unique identifier assigned to every Network Interface Card. In this post, we will see what is MAC Address and how do you change a MAC Address in Windows 8. We will also touch upon MAC Address filtering, lookup and spoofing.

What is MAC Address

Whether you are using a wired network or a wireless one, you need a network card to connect to other computers and to allow other computers to your computer. While most of us believe that it is the IP address that is significant in contacting another computer on the network, it is not the only factor. More important than IP (Internet Protocol) address is the MAC (Media Access Control) address – an address assigned to the network interface card, so that it is identified on the network.

A Network card is a term used in short for a Network interface card. We call it NIC for short. Every NIC has a MAC address – just like a postal address so that the data packets travelling on your network can reach the correct NIC and from there, your computer.  While the IP address is the software part of the Network Interface card (Network card or NIC), the MAC address is hardware address, without which data packets will just keep on roaming on the network, as they do not have any address where to deliver the data. Each data packet on the network has a header containing MAC address of the computer you wish to connect to and then the data. The last part of the data packet will contain a bit to ascertain if the data bit was correctly delivered or was it corrupted or changed during the transmission.
MAC addresses do not appear when you click on Open Network Adaptors in the Windows System Tray. Unlike IP addresses, that are provided by your ISP or network admins, and may be static or dynamic. MAC addresses are assigned by the manufacturers of network interface cards (NIC). These MAC addresses are built into the cards and are resolved using a method called Address Resolution Protocol. This Address Resolution Protocol first obtains the IP address of the computer to be contacted and then resolves it into the MAC address before embedding it into header of the data packets so that they are delivered exactly to the computer intended and not to any other computer in the network.
Structure of MAC Address
A MAC address is separated by full colons, as is the IP address (IPv4 addresses). But unlike only four numeric characters separated by full colons to make it look like a four digit sets x 4 parts, the MAC address is a combination of alpha-numeric characters. It is a set of six characters separated by six full colons. Also, unlike the four characters used in IP address per set, the MAC address employs only two characters per set. Here is an example of a MAC address for your understanding:
You can see that it is six sets (parts) divided by full colons and can contain both alphabets and characters. The first two or three sets indicate the code of manufacturers of the network interface card just like the first two sets of IP address tells you where you are located.
How To Locate MAC Address of NIC (Network Interface Cards)
To locate the MAC address of your network adaptors, you have to go to the command line. Press WinKey+R, type cmdin the Run dialog box that appears and press Enter key.
Type getmac /v /fo list and press Enter key. The output for each of your NIC adaptor (network adaptors – wired and wireless) will be displayed.
change MAC Address in Windows

Change MAC Address in Windows

It is not advised to change the MAC address on networks as it may create conflicts and sometimes, may fail to appear on the network. But if you want to change the MAC address for some reason, it is an easy process.
1.    Press Windows Key + Break to open System Window
2.    Click on Device Manager to the left side of the System Window
3.    Once the Device Manager dialog appears, look for the category named Network Adaptors
4.    Click on the plus sign preceding Network Adaptors to see all the Network cards attached to your computer;
5.    Select the network adaptor whose MAC address you wish to change
6.    Right click on the network adaptor and select Properties
7.    Click on the Advanced tab.
Mac Address
8.    In the list of available options, select Locally Administered MAC Address or Network Adaptor; note that only of the two options will appear based on the type of your network adaptor
9.    When you select one of the above options, you will get a text box saying Value.
10.    Type a six digit alphanumeric code in the Value field after selecting the radio button; note that you do not have to type the dashes or full colon; if you wish to type 00:4f:gH:HH:88:80, you simply type 004fgHHH8880 without any dashes or full colons; adding dashes may result in error
11.    Click OK to close the dialog box
12.    Close other open dialog boxes (if any) and close the Device Manager
That is the simplest method to change the MAC (Media Access Control) ID of the network adaptor.

MAC Address Spoofing and Filtering

Spoofing is a method by which you change your MAC address to someone else’s MAC address. That is the common notion in the world of Internet. Spoofing is useful when your network won’t let you in due to MAC filter restrictions. Hackers too indulge in MAC address spoofing.
When you change the MAC address using the above method, you are actually spoofing the MAC address. The hardware MAC address remains the same, but is given preference only when there is no other address. If you want to revert to the original MAC address, just follow the above steps and instead of inputting a value, select the radio button that says “Not Present” or “No Value“. That will get you back your original MAC address.
MAC addresses are especially useful when it comes to protecting your network from unwanted connections. All you have to do is to authorise only the MAC addresses that you wish to connect to the Internet or the network. This you can do it easily using third party programs. You can also filter MAC addresses manually by going to your router page and entering the MAC addresses that are allowed to interact with the router.

Most useful Websites on the Internet that you must visit

Most of us surf the Internet daily. But when exploring, how frequently do you came across useful websites? There are a lot of useful websites you may be visiting at least once. But sometimes, you may feel at a loss and wonder which site to visit. In such cases, some of these websites may interest you. Here os a list of useful & interesting websites, some helpful, yet others just for fun. Some of these may interest students as well. Visit them when you are bored!
Most Useful Websites
I will take you through few useful websites among many. I felt really amazed after knowing them and thought of sharing them with you. So, let’s jump in to the list without any further delay.
  1. dictation.io
It is an online dictation website. You can start speaking and the words you speak appear on the screen with the help of online voice recognition in the browser itself.
  1. zerodollarmovies.com
This website provides you the list of movies which you can watch on YouTube for free. You are also provided with instant search. Watch your favorite movie on YouTube for free!
  1. screenr.com
This helps you to record whatever you do on your Windows desktop and share the URL with any one you want. You can even upload the recordings of your desktop straight to YouTube.
  1. Wolfram Alpha
Wolfram Alpha is a knowledge-based search engine. It gives you the solutions – not like other search engines, which just give you the links to other websites.. Get to know how best you can make use of Wolfram Alpha.
  1. lmgtfy.com
Let Me Google That for you’ is very useful if your friend is too lazy to Google. Visit the website, enter the search and share the generated link with your friends. 
  1. Rainy Mood
When you are feeling bored or irritated, just visit this website. It generates a rain sound and you will feel comfortable for sure.
  1. Soundrown
It is similar to Rainy Mood, but offers some more options. You can listen to rain sound, birds voice, sound generated at coffee shop, train sound and many more sounds all at once to boost your mood.
  1. e.ggtimer.com
Use this website as an online timer to complete your daily tasks. You can set the timer for 5 minutes or 10 minutes or any time you want.
  1. Microsoft 15 minute webinars
Want to know how to use Microsoft Word, Excel or any other Microsoft Office help? Then, you must visit this website for sure. You will get to know how to use Microsoft Office products.
  1. copypastecharacter.com
If you want to use any special character which is not present on your keyboard, then this website will be very helpful. It provides you with a wide variety of special characters.

  1. followupthen.com
It helps you the send email reminders. If you want to perform a task at a particular time, then this would be helpful. It will remind you of the task by email.
  1. random.org
You might need to generate random numbers or flip a coin and more. This website would help you for sure.
  1. tubemogul.com
Wondering how to upload a video to other video sites along with YouTube? Then, this website will help you to upload videos to other video sites like Daily Motion, Vimeo and more, with a single action.
  1. hundredzeros.com
Are you fond of reading novels and books in Kindle? This website allows you to download free kindle books.
  1. similarsites.com
If you want to find similar sites to the website you are interested in, then this website helps you to find them. Just enter the website address for which you want to find similar sites and it generates a list of similar websites.
  1. downforeveryoneorjustme.com
This website will be let you know whether the website you want is down only for your or for everyone.
  1. mailvu.com
This one will help you to send to video email using your webcam to anyone.
  1. privnote.com
This helps you to create text notes and will self-destruct after they are being read. Create notes, share the link and once the recipient reads the note, it get destroyed. The service will even notify you once the note gets destroyed.
  1. mixlr.com
It is useful to broadcast your audio. You just concentrate on what you need to speak and this website will broadcast your audio all over the web.
  1. 10minutemail
Want to beat spam? If you want to use an email address somewhere, but are not interested in receiving any updates from the service or website, use this website to generate a temporary email address which will be valid for only 10 minutes.
Useful Websites for Students
Here are some useful websites which may specifically interest students.
  1. Create Love Charts
If you want to create neat flow charts, network diagrams and more, you can use this website. It is very easy to create any kind of flow chart.
  1. codeacademy.com
Want to learn any programming or need to code online? Visit this website and learn coding online.
  1. Essay Typer
Want to correct content for the topic? Visit this website and enter the title. Keep on pressing the “Enter” button and you will see that content being generated for you on the screen automatically. It is advised to read the content thoroughly, before you take it down.
Essay Typer
  1. polishmywriting.com
Use this website to check grammar and spelling errors. Place the content you wrote in the place provided and it shows you the grammar and spelling errors.
  1. Khan Academy
I hope this does not require any introduction. Just head over to the website and there are various free lessons available for most of the courses.
    6. Lumosity
This website provides you puzzle games and brain storming games. Visit this website when you have some time and take up te challenges offered.
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